
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wayfarer's Journal: Science Fiction & Fantasy Questions answered by Terri

Dear Terri,

If you could tell prospective readers only three things about the new
Wayfarer's Journal, what would they be?


Christian Science Fiction & Fantasy Blog Tour Member and Participant


Interesting question. Here are my answers:

1. For Christian Readers: The stories at Wayfarers Journal challenge the reader to look at questions of spirituality, ethics and morality through a different set of filters than you find in church or in mainstream Christian literature. The stories are intended to challenge the reader to look at ancient truths in futuristic ways.

2. For the Seeker/Unbeliever: Modern technology is never morally neutral. From the atomic bomb to stem cell research the moral and ethical questions which live at the intersection of science and philosophy have been ignored at one's own peril. These character-driven stories show ordinary men and women struggling with these questions both now and in the distant future.

3. For Everyone: Wayfarer's Journal seeks to entertain and challenge readers and, we hope, fill a gap often neglected by main stream science fiction publications by publishing high quality stories which explore the spiritual, ethical and moral ramifications of future technological and social change.

I might add that our focus is on hard science fiction alone and not fantasy or horror. Also, I will be taking a break from December 15 until January 31 so if anyone is interested in writing for WJ, I won't be reviewing any MS's until February.

Terri Main

Science Fiction with a Difference:

1 comments and creative thoughts:

Shannon McNear said...

You'd left a post on my blog a couple of months ago about my research trip to Old Ninety Six ... how kewl to come wandering back to your blog and find you a member of the CSFF tour last time! (I'm hopping back on in January, for Auralia's Colors.)

Anyway! You asked on my blog what I was researching ... I'm working on answering your question and thought I'd let you know I posted the first part today. Thanks so much for asking ... and I'd love to chat with you about your genealogical research in SC!