
Saturday, August 9, 2008

Dear all,

So, this week I decided that I do not spend enough time on-line and have figured a way to get even more hours in by joining in on the team over at a main page of If you have seen the site in the past, it is nothing as to what it is now. It's completely redesigned and just plain fabulous! Be sure to check out
the main site Faithwebbin Online Magazine and all literary guides (, and Here is my bio blurb: (and check out others on the team too!) Margaret Chind and her engineer husband live just east of Atlanta, Georgia where he does his engineer things and she reads books, lots of books, and quilts, and sometimes cross stitches. Margaret has an AS in Nursing and a BA in Religious Studies, she believes these have prepared her to have many an educated discussion. She has always been a book-a-holic and ever since she entered the book review world has completely fallen in head-over-hills and hopes to never leave her little library. As an attempt to show her mother and sisters what she was up to she created Creative Madness where she posts pictures of her current quilt project and many many book reviews. She thrives on Historical Fiction, but loves many others as well.

Go and check it out!

- MJ

2 comments and creative thoughts:

M. C. Pearson said...

I will go check it out! How cool. Oh, the picture isn't showing up for me. :-(

M. C. Pearson said...

I see the picture now.

Love the site!

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