
Saturday, April 18, 2009

24 Hour Read-a-Thon: UPDATE ONE

This morning I am really tired as we did not get into bed last night until after midnight. We spent two hours at the huge kids consignment sale and got a fabulous load of stuff. If our estimations are accurate we spent $1,000 LESS than what it would have cost us to get everything we got in store! I could not be more excited (with spending only $200). This will be a frugal baby girl!

So, I have read a little bit in a library book and a little bit in my novel. The novel is taking over, so I will be dedicated to it now!

Help for the Harried Homeschooler: A Practical Guide to Balancing Your Child's Education with the Rest of Your Life Blaggard's Moon (Prequel to the Trophy Chase Trilogy)

1 comments and creative thoughts:

Blodeuedd said...

Have fun :D
And good about your shopping trip there

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