
Thursday, July 16, 2009



Do you keep all your unread books together, like books in a waiting room? Or are they scattered throughout your shelves, mingling like party-goers waiting for the host to come along?

I have a TBR shelf, actually since I started reviewing instead of just reading for fun, I have more than one. There is one upstairs in my quilting den that is just an all around TBR shelf... then there is one in the bedroom that is my TBR for review/really want to read shelf.

When we first moved, and DH was helping me to un pack the multitude of boxes of books he just started shelving them, and it was ridiculous how wrong that felt to me. I feel strongly that my unread books have to be separated or else they will get lost in all the rest and never be read! Once I read a book, if it's a keeper it gets shelved with the appropriate section and that gives me a feeling of accomplishment and makes me smile. What can I say, I'm a book nerd.

8 comments and creative thoughts:

jlshall said...

I like your use of "all around TBR" and "really want to read" books. That's sort of the way I look at my books, too. But I mostly keep the read with the unread, and all over the place!

CherryBlossomMJ said...

Once upon a time for me books were just everywhere. Now they are limited to a few places. The "library shelves" in my quilting den. The "health book" shelves in the spare room, and the non fiction in a pile up against the wall in the spare room. The baby/children's books in a couple piles in the nursery. And then the bookshelf downstairs in the bedroom. If books progress to other places, DH tries to get rid of them!

Sheila Deeth said...

Sounds like me.

CherryBlossomMJ said...

I forgot to link back..

Heidenkind said...

That's not nerdy at all--that's logical! :) I keep my TBR pile separate, too, although I only have one.

CherryBlossomMJ said...

I've let it get out of hand, but what can I say, I cannot help myself.

Meghan said...

I probably should separate out my immediate TBRs from the ones I just want to read eventually, but it's a daunting task! For now it's enough that the ARCs have their own pile, I think.

Meghan @ Medieval Bookworm

CherryBlossomMJ said...

Well having an ARC pile is definitely a start. :)

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