
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Blogoversary Giveaway #11

For Giveaway #11, open to US and Canada. I have two options for you to win. One copy of The Sound of Sleigh Bells by Cindy Woodsmall and for a second winner a copy of your choice of her other titles When the Heart Cries, When the Morning Comes, When the Soul Mends of the Sisters of the Quilt Series or The Hope of Refuge, book #1 of the Ada's House Novel Series. Click the titles to go back and read my reviews. A review of The Hope of Refuge and The Sound of Sleigh Bells is to come. Winners will be announced October 18th.

The Sound of Sleigh Bells

What comes to mind, when you think of an Amish Christmas?

When the Heart Cries (Sisters of the Quilt, #1)When the Morning Comes (Sisters of the Quilt, book #2)When the Soul Mends: A Novel (Sisters of the Quilt, #3)The Hope of Refuge: A Novel (An Ada's House Novel, Book #1)

How would you define hope? Discuss.
(reminds me of a school essay, *grin*)
- And tell me which title you would pick -

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Leave an additional comment for each entry.

66 comments and creative thoughts:

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

Terrific giveaway Margaret. Amish Christmas? I think snow, fun, quiet, homemade... How's that for not knowing? LOL!

Hope? Hope and faith go together. Hope is the desire for something and the belief that it will happen.

I'd love to win The Sound of Sleigh Bells or The Hope of Refuge. I read and loved the Sisters of the Quilt series.

Virginia C said...

Hello! An Amish Christmas to me would mean simple observances of the religious meaning of the holiday. No Christmas trees or tinsel or flashing lights, but definitely lots of good baking and candy making! If there are gifts or decorations, they would be handmade. gcwhiskas at aol dot com

Virginia C said...

Hope to me means abiding faith. Never giving up. Taking a leap of faith. Not to be overcome by seemingly insurmountable odds. gcwhiskas at aol dot com

Virginia C said...

I am a Google Connect follower & Google Reader subscriber. gcwhiskas at aol dot com

Virginia C said...

I would choose THE HOPE OF REFUGE. gcwhiskas at aol dot com

Virginia C said...

I am an email FeedBlitz subscriber. gcwhiskas at aol dot com

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

I absolutely love books like this,
please count me in.

I am a follower by google.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

Carmen said...

Amish Christmas: Exteded families and friends with no family gathered together with enormous mounds of food. Reading of the Christmas story. A time of singing.

Hope: faiih in the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Heb 11:1. That's what came to me first-

Carmen said...

OOPPSS!! Forgot to leave a title and email address:
When the Heart Cries would be the book title.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

Carmen said...

Already follow on Twitter.

desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

Carmen said...

Already a fan on FB.

desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

Carmen said...

Posted a giveaway on FB via

desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

apple blossom said...

OK I'm game. I have four of the five books.

I'd love The Hope of Refuge book. It's the only one I don't have. Thanks

Now for my definition of HOPE:

It is something that you anticipate on greatly and the possibility of it coming to pass. High anticipation.

apple blossom said...

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apple blossom said...

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apple blossom said...

I also have your anniversary icon posted on my blog bar

apple blossom said...

You are in my blog list of fav. sites

apple blossom said...

I posted about your giveaway on my blog

I would love Hope of Refuge

I don't think I mentioned it in all my comments come to think of it, but I did in my first one and this one. Sorry about that.

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com said...

I love books on the Amish!

dancealert at aol dot com said...

I posted this to my facebook!

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dancealert at aol dot com said...

I put the link to this giveaway on my blog

dancealert at aol dot com

Jaedyn said...

I would choose The Sound of Sleigh Bells. :-) When I think of hope, I think of God's promises to us in His word. We can always hope in Him!

ladyufshalott at

Jaedyn said...

You're in my technorati faves! (ladyufshalott)

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TheAtticGirl said...

Hope to me is believing that something good is going to happen and believing it.

I would love to win a copy of When The Heart Cries. I haven't read her Sisters of the Quilt series.

donnyandshelly (at) (yahoo) (dot) (com)

TheAtticGirl said...

I follow your blog.

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I follow you on Twitter. atticgirl76

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TheAtticGirl said...

I added you to Technorati faves.

Alice H said...

I'd pick When the Heart Cries. Hope to me is wanting more than you have - but in a good way! Thanks for the chance - alicedemskehansen at

Alice H said...

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Alice H said...

I follow on twitter - I'm alicedemske - thanks! alicedemskehansen at

Alice H said...

I have your button at - thanks! alicedemskehansen at

Alice H said...

I have your giveaway button at - thanks! alicedemskehansen at

Edna said...

I follow you on your blog


Edna said...

I follow you on shoutlife
Please enter me to win this book
I have your first 3 and they are so good. Would love to have another one.


Edna said...

Now I just want to win the book, I love your stories.


Marjorie/cenya2 said...

Hope is for a better world wiyhout war.
I sub. by email amd google reader.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

Anna Weaver Hurtt said...

An Amish Christmas would probably be something simple, surrounded by your family and loved ones.

Hope is knowing that even though things may be bad, everything will work out for good in the end.

writer_weaver at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

That's a good question! Their Christmas celebration likely doesn't differ much from the average American family one. Cooking with huge amounts of food, gifts, lots of family time, singing, reading the Christmas story. This cover sure is attractive and pulls you in!

I'm a follower and link to your blog...

ldneuhof at hotmail dot com

Rebecca N. said...

Amish Christmas would be a huge gathering of very dedicated, hard working, loving folks enjoying each others company and delicious homemade food! Also, remembering the Lord and why it is we celebrate the holiday.

Rebecca N. said...

Forgot to say that hope to me is wanting something so much that I believe it can or will happen.

I Added your blog to my technorati favs

imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com

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imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com

Rebecca N. said...

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imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com

Rebecca N. said...

My goodness! I think I need more Coffee this morning...I also forgot to say that I would like to win the first book in the series as I have never read anything from this author. Sorry about the extra post. Thanks!

imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com

adge said...

When I think of an Amish Christmas I think of preparation and hard work... but I wouldn't want you to quote me on that. And hope is the want of something to happen, preferably for a better outcome. I'd like any of those books except The Hope of Refuge, which I already have. Thanks.

Jo said...

I haven't read any of Cindy Woodsmall books yet and have been wanting to. Am very fascinated with the Amish people and their culture. Hope is something that you want that hasn't happened yet with a better outcome.

Mark said...

Amish Christmas....for some reason, quilts come to mind. Hope? How important it is, and Jesus is our hope.

Mark said...

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Janet said...

Hope is expecting good in something or a situation. My hope is in Jesus Christ. :)



Janet said...

button - bookworm list



harmijo said...

Jesus Christ is the ultimate hope. He gives us the strength to hope that each day will bring blessings for ourselves, our children and our loved ones and hope when those blessings turn into sorrow that hope will once again return. He is the fulfillment of hope. Without his death on the cross there would be no hope for any of us.

If I am honored enough to be chosen, may I ask that it be the Christmas book. I love Christmas books, lol, and from my "essay" above you can probably tell why :) Also, thank you for the offering, but I have most of the others :)

Kate (from Goodreads Christian Historical Fiction :)

Emma said...

Hope to me is wanting something so much that I believe it will happen.The title I would pick is The Hope of Refuge or The Sound of Sleigh Bells both books sounds wonderful.Please enter me in the giveaway.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.Thank you.

harmijo said...

Yikes! I am not entering again, only continuing my prior post as I didn't see the part about what I thought an Amish Christmas would be like. So here is how I picture it :)

I imagine many homemade gifts, especially Christmas cards. I can picture a cozy, yet simple home with homemade Christmas cards strung across the living room. I smell wonderful homemade pastries, ham, potatoes, breads, and other delicious homemade foods ready to be shared with family and friends. Most of all however I picture Amish women on one side and Amish men on the other sitting on benches in one of the homes in the community as they hold their Christmas church service preached about our Savior in Pennsylvania Dutch or High German. To the Amish and as it should be to us all, despite the other wonderful things Christmas brings, faith and gathering with other believers is the most important part of Christmas. No matter what Christian culture you belong to, on that day all of our hearts are as one celebrating Jesus and his birth.

Kate (from the Historical Fiction group :)

harmijo said...

Oh, gosh I am bad at this, lol, but I wanted you to know my first post was posted before midnight MST :) So I hope I was in time for this giveaway! Thanks :)

God bless,

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